Training Blog

7 Intelligences- Musical

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Hi there- here is my next article on Howard Gardner’s 7 Intelligences- this week as promised it’s the “Musical” intelligence.

This one does take a bit explaining as it has more to do with understanding and appreciating rhythm than music per se. There is certainly a strong element of listening and music as well. Someone who has a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence displays greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones and music. They often have good “pitch” and may even have “perfect pitch”- sometimes called “absolute pitch”. (Interestingly, perfect pitch is found more often amongst speakers of “tonal languages” for example Vietnamese.) They are likely to be able to sing and play music. There is a strong link to an auditory preference- see earlier emails re VAK.

Those who are strong in the intelligence will often find it more productive to work and study with music playing in the background. They can do this and actually study better- it’s not just an excuse for not studying!

Nursery Rhymes with a strong rhythmic quality are ideal for this intelligence as the rhythm helps people recall information.

Someone with a really strong musical intelligence is likely to be able to hear sounds and music that others can’t.  They can also separate sound out better than most- very useful people to have in the music round of a quiz!

30 Good Vibrations i have chosen this track as apparently both Carl and Brian Wilson had/have perfect pitch and listen to the rhythms…………….


Next week I will continue through to the next intelligence- Interpersonal


About the Author

Phil has over thirty years working in key management roles with particular expertise in Finance, Sales, Service, Teamworking, Culture Change and Performance Management. For more than twenty years he was involved in the very demanding Corporate Banking world. He has hosted and facilitated conferences for large organisations on a Europe wide basis. He is a qualified psychometric assessor for staff recruitment and MBTi qualified. He is an NLP Practitioner. In addition Phil is an accredited deliverer of “Celemi” Business Simulations. He has a real skill in taking complex concepts and models and bringing these to life. He has designed and implemented Learning and Development programmes into major organisations and now works in design and delivery of “Attitudinal Based Learning” and “Accelerated Learning”. Loves: Time with family and friends, Real Beer, Music, Walking - particularly along the coast.