Training Blog

The Importance of SKA part 5

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Yes! Part five- then I can move onto something else.

So, if Skills, Knowledge and Attitude are the key what do they open? People is what they open! Not obviously in an invasive surgery way but in terms of potential ( ooh I’m feeling a bit queasy now , hospital lights and smells, operating tables, the machine that goes ping etc). If we are serious about people Learning and Developing then we need to make sure they have the right mixture between skills knowledge and attitude. It’s a three legged stool – it won’t stand up for long on less than three legs!

This isn’t rocket science. Humans have known it for a long time. The clever bit was done by Benjamin Bloom and David Kratwohl – see Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains (ooh Taxonomy  that’s a big special science type word meaning classification). I’m fascinated by Stephen Covey and his various habits – brilliant quote from the Training Room the other day, I was asked if I had studied Covey’s habits, the lady in question looked stunned when I answered that I hadn’t studied his personal habits but yes I had read what he has written on the subject of other people’s ….tumbleweed moment…actually a book on Stephen Covey’s habits might be a great seller! The reason I’m fascinated is that I’m willing to bet that great performers intuitively understand the need to balance SKA. Perhaps I have discovered the 9th habit?

ska funnel What are you looking to improve? Your guitar playing? Your presentaion skills? Your ability to perform open heart surgery ( oh no the hospital thing is coming back!) ? Take a fresh look. What Skills Knowledge and Attitude do you need to perform better? Self aware leads to self repair! Once you have worked out the balance of SKA off you go. Of course you can self coach or you can employ me to coach you!

All these ideas for free- I don’t know , where will it all end…..?



About the Author

Phil has over thirty years working in key management roles with particular expertise in Finance, Sales, Service, Teamworking, Culture Change and Performance Management. For more than twenty years he was involved in the very demanding Corporate Banking world. He has hosted and facilitated conferences for large organisations on a Europe wide basis. He is a qualified psychometric assessor for staff recruitment and MBTi qualified. He is an NLP Practitioner. In addition Phil is an accredited deliverer of “Celemi” Business Simulations. He has a real skill in taking complex concepts and models and bringing these to life. He has designed and implemented Learning and Development programmes into major organisations and now works in design and delivery of “Attitudinal Based Learning” and “Accelerated Learning”. Loves: Time with family and friends, Real Beer, Music, Walking - particularly along the coast.