Archive for 'Blog/News'

7 Intelligences- Visual / Spatial

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Hello and many thanks to those of you who came back to me after my post last week- great to hear from you. Today I’m continuing with Howard Gardner’s 7 intelligences and looking at Visual/Spatial.

This area has to do with vision and spatial judgment. People with strong visual/spatial intelligence are typically very good at visualising and mentally manipulating objects. They tend to have inbuilt “navigation” skills. They can be proficient at solving puzzles. They have a strong visual memory and ...

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7 Intelligences- Logical / Mathematical

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Hi and I hope you have had a great learning week. I received some fascinating feedback from you last week after my post on Linguistic intelligence.

As mentioned, this week I’m going to consider the Logical/Mathematical intelligence. No need for a dictionary definition for this one- it’s exactly as it says in the title! People with Logical/Mathematical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, puzzles and their relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.

Logical-Mathematical intelligence consists of the ...

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7 Intelligences- Linguistic

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During all the time I have spent researching learning one of the key pieces of the jigsaw for me was Howard Gardner’s 7 Intelligences.

Following on from my post last week I want to look at the first of Howard Gardner’s 7 Intelligences- Linguistic. A dictionary definition will describe the word linguistic as “relating to language”. Certainly Howard Gardner chose this word because it encompasses language but he also mentions the love of words, vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and syntax. Anyone ...

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7 Intelligences

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Howard Gardner first published his now famous articles on Seven Intelligences in 1983- Frames of Mind – The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

He has consistently challenged the idea that intelligence can only be measured by using standard IQ tests.  He is a professor at Harvard and has continued to explore this area (his researchers have now “discovered” other Intelligences but I’m just going to stick with his original seven).

Howard Gardner initially formulated a list of seven intelligences. The first two, Linguistic ...

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VAK- kinaesthetic

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Hi and thanks to all of you who contacted me after my last post. Great that you got in touch. Here then is the last of the emails relating to the primary senses. I have covered Visual and Auditory so this week let’s have get a handle on Kinaesthetic.

In itself it’s not an easy word to get to grips with. It’s root is Greek, kinein+aesthesis and denotes the sensory experience derived ...

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VAK- auditory

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Memo click here if you would rather hear this than read it.


Hello and I hope you have had a fabulous learning week.

Last week’s “article” was about the Visual preference so this week let’s consider the Auditory preference.

Someone with a strong auditory preference likes sound- the sound of other people talking, hearing themselves and other sounds. They may respond well to lectures, audio tapes or CD’s and discussions.

As mentioned previously we all use our five senses to gather information and process ...

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What is your preference?

We each have preferences whether its tea or coffee, beer or wine, Bitter or Lager etc. We know the brain uses our senses to take in information and process. VAK are the primary senses, Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic big words meaning seeing, hearing and touching. We each have preferences in how we take in and process information.

Picture this…..

So, do you get the picture? Chances are that if ...

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The Importance of SKA part 5

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Yes! Part five- then I can move onto something else.

So, if Skills, Knowledge and Attitude are the key what do they open? People is what they open! Not obviously in an invasive surgery way but in terms of potential ( ooh I’m feeling a bit queasy now , hospital lights and smells, operating tables, the machine that goes ping etc). If we are serious about people Learning and Developing then we need to make sure they have the right mixture between skills ...

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The Importance of SKA part 4

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Just seeing if you are awake!

Logically, part three should have been about Knowledge not part four. The planned structure was :


  • part one – general outline
  • part two Skills
  • part three Knowledge
  • part four Attitude
  • part five ( yes, there will be a part five!) overview


However I couldn’t stop myself and went straight for Attitude. Sometimes attitude just has to override logic…..


So, Knowledge. As I’m writing this thousands are studying and revising for exams. Despite some ...

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The Importance of SKA part 3

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“She has such a great attitude!” “The reason she never gets anywhere is her attitude.”

Or maybe my parents – “you will never get anywhere with that attitude!”

These statements/comments/excalmations  have a ring of truth behind them. Why then do some people appear to have a “good” attitude and some not? We can all leap to our amateur psychology and find a list of convincing reasons. Chances are it’s the way they ...

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